By staying fluid, the warrior-sorcerer is able to stay grounded and centered in any situation. So we step into different situations and roles intentionally in order to practice being fluid and flexible.
Of all the cards in the tarot, the Fool represents that way of being the best. The Fool is the first card of the Tarot deck and its essence is about doing new things. Often we get stuck in routines and old patterns, which no longer suit us, but we hold onto them because they bring us a feeling of safety. This card is about mixing it up a bit and perhaps doing something a little daring!
Notice the imagery in this particular Fool card I chose. She's wearing the jesters hat because the Fool is a playful jokester, an entertainer. There are also a couple of masks in the picture to show how comfortable the Fool is with playing different roles. I like the way this character is in a flexible position, like she's beginning to do a back flip.
The reason I've chosen this subject for today (aside from the fact that Uranus is the ruling planet of the Fool in tarot-astrology) is because I've begun to realize that it's time for me to put my full focus back on Trinity and Journey to Artemisia. I need to get completely into the character of Trinity.
She's going into the world of the magical forest beings. In that world, her perceptions are different from the human world. Even her body begins to change, taking on a blue tint and she stops wearing clothes.
I'll probably make one more blog post, then go off-line for a while so I can quiet my mind, completely immerse myself in nature and become Trinity.
Nice. Very interesting. I'll send you a longer email. Love