Today I'm working with the Princess of Wands. This picture is from the Fairy Tale tarot by Lisa Hunt. I'm always looking for new and unusual artwork in the tarot. I really like this one because in this picture I see Trinity, the main character of my latest novel, Journey to Artemisia.
Unfortunately I've been having a bit of writer's block with that novel for a few weeks now. I think it's because I've reached the part of the novel where she enters the magical world. My creativity and imagination really need to kick in now and instead I'm stuck with some old rough draft pages that are not inspiring me at all.
It's probably fear that's blocking me. I want to create a world for her that is very magical and fantastical, but not so far removed from our reality that readers won't be able to relate, and I sure as hell don't want to do a Harry Potter rip-off.
The upside is that I've been through writer's block before and it doesn't last forever. So for now, I'll play around with the ideas that have been sparked by this tarot card.
The Princess of Wands represents the brief creative spark that comes to you, suddenly and unexpectedly, and starts you down the road of a new creative vision. She has a vivid and childlike imagination. Her ambitions are high but not unattainable; she will challenge herself but probably not overstep her limits unless pushed to do so. She accepts change because she is the agent of change, the catalyst and the creative visionary. As a lover, she has almost unlimited passion and enthusiasm.
When the Princess of Wands appears in your life she often comes at a time when you need her passion for life and her total fearlessness. Her greatest power, in fact, is the power to deal with fears by facing them and seeing them for what they are. She is the catalyst that provokes changes that might be impossible in any other situation.
I just need to let this energy flow through me and the story will come alive again.
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